SCADA System

Some example systems at hand

Biogas Scada System (Aknan Tech)

Technologies Used: LabVIEw, OPC Server, PLCs, Digital sensors, Analog sensors (Current loop and Voltage based).

Scada System to supervise and acquire data for a research biogas and composting units. LabVIEW is used as a primary front end software to implement the Scada system and data acquisition is done through RS-232 and EtherNet PLCs and an OPC server. Hardware used in the system implementation include AC motors controlled via variable frequency drives (VFDs), variety of pumps and compressors, solenoid valves, capacitive sensors, temperature sensors controlled via temperature controllers, pressure sensors, PH sensors, thermocouples, variety of actuators.

Safty and emergency measures are ensured through an alert system which send SMSs and emails to the operator in case an error occured to the system

Geothermal Energy - Mapping Ground temperatuure(AknanTech)

In this system we measure the ground temperature at various depths using reliable and accurate temperature sensors (Thermocouple PT100). The system is implemented in mulitple regions and data is transmitted wirelessly using WiMAX technology over a radius of 50KM. An Ethernet based PLC is paired with a local WiMAX station and it handles the logging of the data. This system is more like a DAQ system. Technologies Used: Ethernet PLC, WiMAX, PT100 thermocouples, LabVIEW.

Sprayer motors DAQ System (Biocentury Research Farm)

a Data acquisition system to monitor and log data of motors failure. The system logs ~42MB/s of various data types at various data rates coming from the following sensors: Acoustics, Accelerometers, Laser, temp, ultrasonic can-based, pressure, contamination RS485-based, speed, and thermocouples.
Technologies Used: NI-DAQ, NI-cRIO, Analog and digital sensors, LabVIEW, MATLAB.